
This module is in beta. Send us an email in case of any integration issue.

Analytics, licensing and bug reports for Swift MacOS applications.

We made it as simple as possible to report the data you need to analyze your app and improve it.

To start using this package, sign up and get an app tracking ID on Nucleus.sh.

Make sure to check enable both "Incoming and outgoing connections" for your app in XCode under "Signing & Capabilities"

If you have a server-side Swift application, or maybe a cross-platform (for example Linux & macOS) app/library, and you would like to log, we think targeting this logging API package is a great idea. Below you'll find all you need to know to get started.


Sign up and get a tracking ID for your app here.

.package(url: "https://github.com/nucleus-sh/NucleusSwift.git", from: "1.0.0"),

and to your application/library target, add "NucleusSwift" to your dependencies, e.g. like this:

.target(name: "ExampleApp", dependencies: ["NucleusSwift"]),

In AppDelegate, import the library

import NucleusSwift

func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {

Then you can use the module from anywhere in your app:




If you are having troubles with the module it can be useful to enable logging:

Nucleus.shared.debug = true

Identify your users

You can track specific users actions on the 'User Explorer' section of your dashboard.

For that, you can supply an userId when initing the Nucleus module.

It can be your own generated ID, an email, username... etc.


Add properties

You can report custom data along with the automatic data.

Those will be visible in your user dashboard if you previously set an user ID.

The module will remember past properties so you can use Nucleus.shared.setProps multiple times without overwriting past props.

Properties can either numbers, strings or booleans. Nested properties or arrays aren't supported at the moment.

    "age": 34,
    "name": "Richard Hendricks",
    "jobType": "CEO"

Enable overwrite: set the second parameter as true to overwrite past properties.

    "age": 23
], overwrite: true)


After initializing Nucleus, you can report your own custom events.


They are a couple event names that are reserved by Nucleus: init, error: and nucleus:. Don't report events containing these strings.

Attach more data

You can also add extra information to tracked events. Properties can either numbers, strings or booleans. Nested properties or arrays aren't supported at the moment.


Nucleus.track("PLAYED_TRACK", [
    "trackName": "My Awesome Song",
    "duration": 120


You can catch and report errors. That can be useful to debug what went wrong once your app is deployed in production.

You need to supply an ID and a message to your errors. The package will extract a stracktrace that you will be able to see in your dashboard.


Nucleus.shared.trackError(id: "API-ERROR", message: "Missing required parameter")

Toggle tracking

This will completely disable any communication with Nucleus' servers.

To opt-out your users from tracking, use the following methods:


and to opt back in:


This change won't persist after restarts so you have to handle the saving of the settings.

Last updated